
Crooked Supply
Independent clothing label from Adelaide, South Australia.
Representing growth.

Crooked Supply (Crook-ed Supply) was inspired by not going down the “traditional path” or "linear path". The crooked path is for those who want to do something out of the norm and step out of their comfort zone, whether it’s related to your career, lifestyle, travel, health, starting that business, or whatever it may be. Taking the crooked path has no “right” direction and is not set out for you, but it could take you anywhere if you educate yourself enough to take those steps. Taking the leap and accepting the potential risks of the unknown, while putting in the work, is what makes you grow.

Why we choose to create specific artwork / designs?

Some people buy certain brands and designs because they feel a sense of community. Your clothes communicate something about you to other people. Some of our artwork / designs represents a feeling of belonging (a club, group or community), where our designs can strike a conversation with people who you can relate to and find common ground with. This could be beneficial to those who are less likely to start conversations with other people in public settings but still want to be amongst the talk. Our designs are a form of invitation to provoke conversation with others. Sometimes there are hidden messages behind artworks & designs, that's the beauty of fashion & art. Can you relate? 


Over the years, we have been trying to figure out the core purpose of our brand, and since we have been receiving a number of messages from individuals who have been inspired by what we do, and others who aspire to start their own businesses and look up to us. We came up with Crooked Supply's brand essence: Visualise, Create, Inspire, which is the embodiment of our Journey.

Visualise: A dream is just a dream if you can’t visualise it. Visualise the steps you need to take in order to create the things you want in life.

Create: Create the design, product, business, body, the life you want by taking the necessary steps.

Inspire: When you create something that changes your life, there comes a point where people start to look up to you and are inspired by your creation.